We sale our equipment for neutralization and processing of more than 3,500 types of waste with the production of secondary raw materials
- chemical industry waste
- oil and gas production and processing waste
- household waste
- food-processing industry waste
- woodworking and wood processing waste
- transport companies waste, including marine and river transport waste
- other industries waste, including nature protection activities
- solid, liquid and slurred production and consumption wastes of all types of hazard
- medical waste of all types excluding mercury-containing items, devices and equipment
- biological and medical waste
- products eliminated in response to foreign sanctions (Russian counter-sanctions)
- waste from foreign marine vessels and aircrafts, railway transport
- confidential archives and Goznak products
- pharmaceutical waste, drugs and substances
- persistant organic pollutants
- waste of forensic medicine services
- spoils as a result of epizooty
- goods seized by phyto- and veterinary control agencies, and also as a result of quarantine control
- chemical weapons, etc.
We process more than 3500 types of waste with the application of our own licensed equipment
The form is preliminary. For our detailed offer please place your request
We have developed and patented our own equipment and technologies for safe and efficient processing waste
- 1SRO permits for design and construction to the amount of 10 billion rubles
- 2experienced qualified personnel, including specialists with scientific degrees
- 3environmental safety techniques
- 4processing more than 3500 types of waste
- 5depth of processing: 80-90%
- 6waste volume reduction: by 80-85%
- 7smoke volume reduction: up to 5 times
- 83-step efficient emission purification system (mechanical and chemical)
- 9energy saving: up to 100%, depending on a particular type of waste, in the nominal mode of operation
- 10specific capital and operation costs – in 3 and 2 times lower, in comparison with other methods of thermal processing
- 11mobility and compactness of the equipment
- 12reduced design expenditures
- 13own technologies and equipment
- 14can be applied throughout the Russian Federation.
The line of offered plants (series GES-ET):
- Capacity of one unit: up to 150 kg/h;
- High-temperature neutralization of almost any solid waste (excl. special hazardous waste), including medical and biological waste;
- Automatic control of technological parameters;
- Possible modification for liquid waste neutralization;
- Three-stage efficient system of smoke purification on the basis of a dry sorption reactor, including a high-temperature bag filter;
- Absence of liquid residue at smoke purification;
- Mechanized feeding waste for its neutralization.;
- Automatic and manual mode of plant operation.
- Compact container or block-modular execution;
- The plant works with diesel or gas fuel;
- Positive results of the state environmental expertise.
- Capacity of one unit: up to 3,000 kg/h;
- High-temperature neutralization of almost any solid, slurred and liquid waste (excl. special hazardous waste), including oil-contaminated soils;
- Three-stage efficient system of smoke purification on the basis of semi-dry sorption scrubbers, including a high-temperature bag filter;
- Absence of liquid saline residue at smoke purification;
- Mechanized feeding waste for its neutralization;
- Automatic and manual mode of plant operation;
- Automatic control of technological parameters;
- Block or stationary execution;
- The plant works with liquid and-or gas fuel;
- Positive results of the state environmental expertise.
- Capacity of one unit: up to 2,500 kg/h;
- Neutralizing and processing solid polymeric, oil-containing, organic waste;
- Continuous technological process;
- Possibility of obtaining additional liquid and gas fuels;
- Possibility of equipping with additional gas purification systems;
- Maximum safe technological process;
- Mechanized feeding waste for its neutralization;
- Automatic and manual mode of plant operation;
- Automatic control of technological parameters;
- Compact container or modular execution;
- The plant works with diesel or gas fuel, including produced by it gas fuel;
- Positive results of the state environmental expertise.
- Capacity of one unit: up to 50 kg/h;
- Neutralization of liquid and solid waste of hazardous and special hazardous using the electroplasma method;
- Temperature of waste neutralization: up to 5,000 0С;
- Low material and energy expenses at neutralization of such waste;
- Low amount of residue, closed loop technological process with total absence of liquid residue;
- Three-stage efficient system of smoke purification, providing a high degree of environment protection;
- Maximum safe technological process;
- Mechanized feeding waste for its neutralization;
- Automatic and manual mode of plant operation;
- Automatic control of technological parameters;
- Compact container or block execution;
- Positive results of the state environmental expertise.
Rosprirodnadzor by its order of 31.03.2017 has approved the positive conclusion of the state environmental expert commission regarding the Project of engineering specifications on plants (series GES-ET) and technologies for waste neutralization, recultivation of waste disposal objects and sewage treatment, for a period of 5 years.
The state support of introduction of our technologies
More details
In December 2017, in the course of field meetings in Nizhegorodskaya Oblast, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, our technologies have been approved and recommended for scaling throughout the country
The Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives at the President of the Russian Federation recommend technologies and inventions of GC Corporation «GazEnergoStroi» as the best industrial practices.
Processing various types of waste into useful raw materials
Thermolysis plants GES-ET, capacity from 500 to 2,500 kg/h allow to obtain secondary products which can be used both for operation of the plants and for sale to consumers.