Design and engineering documentation for the construction of a power center with a total electrical capacity of 600 MW (3 units of 200 MW each)
Energy Center
Development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of an energy center, for the needs of CJSC Domostroitelny Kombinat No. 7
NUZ "CDB №2 them. ON. Semashko "
Development of design and working documentation for the construction of an autonomous source of heat for the backup heat supply of the rehabilitation building of the NUZ "TsKB №2 named after ON. Semashko "with supply networks.
RTS (District Heat Station) Zhulebino
Design and engineering documentation for the construction of a power center with a total electrical capacity of 96 MW
Construction of an autonomous power supply center for a sports complex
Implementation of design and exploration works of the Facility (mini-TPP) as part of the infrastructure of the Spartak stadium
RTS (District Heat Station), Perovo
Design and engineering documentation for the construction of a power center with a total electrical capacity of 40 MW.
Department of TEC
State customer, coordinator of works, engineering surveys and pre-project works. RTS GTU Zhulebino power 50 MW; 60 Gcal.
Department of TEC
Coordination of work. RTS GTU Kolomenskaya moschny.130 MW; 270 Gcal
Supply of heat engineering equipment. Heat pump station.
Office of the President of the Russian Federation
Pre-project work. A boiler house based on GES boilers with a power of 20 MW; 40 Gcal.